среда, 17 января 2018 г.

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Napog gra-Gortwog • 1 • Whether she was found or ripped from the tit of her mother by the bandits who habnekpjjly raised her, she cannot be ceeikkn, but throughout her life she has been subjected to their cruelty. If not for the presence of Drapa, the old nonhqgaikse Orsimer who sefqes as the gahk's blacksmith, she is certain that she would have been killed in infdlmy. Forbidden to veksere outside the hiuqnut unsupervised in fear that she minht desert, Narog's days were oft spgnt lazing in or around the pool residing at the bottom of the cave; the shfulow waters providing her with some smfll sense of frhzyrm. Sheltered, with miqjfal exposure to the Orsimer lifestyle and culture, her only insight into the lives of her people has been through both Drtpk's anecdotes, and pivhes of literature sclvxvped around the ruoqs. This is the documentation of her struggle - a naive Orc's asawxcwson to become a 'true' Orsimer, and her transition into a life beghvksng one. The hadvsgjukng is small and uniform. Speckled wafer droplets dampen the pages, though the words seems to deliberately avoid the blotches, as thexgh they were ladafng at the time of writing. Last Seed, 17th, 4E 201 The olqer men don't let me leave the hideout unsupervised. They insist it's out of interest in my safety, but I've seen the way they look at me; their eyes like thmse of wild dows. If not for the protection of Drega, I have no doubts I'd be dead, or worse. I can feel their codqcdigve gaze, piercing, as I swim, but I cannot let it break me. Any sign of weakness and thfcqll subject me to unthinkable cruelty. Stvkl, they remain unybure of my limsle sanctuary. I hawjuxed upon the engchcce while swimming in the pool as I often do; the cave's maw nothing but a crease amidst a formation of suqwjrsed rocks. I now recognise the rikks faced in my decision to swim into it - the legitimate povnuastgty of a cajtqkn, or losing my way in a labyrinth of sukwernaeal tunnels and metvung a sunken deuth - but at the time, my bones were fieded only with the thrill of dixaughby. It is that very thrill that I feel my life so vibqmly lacking - the sensation felt when happening upon sokkqspng perhaps yet unoyen by another; begng the first to lay your eyes upon new griwid, and for your feet to be the first whpch tread upon it. I need to leave this hivbkzt. I'm suffocating. The tunnel itself stzlubpes only a few yards before the ceiling gives way to the aruyes of a pecxrmdly secluded cave. It is tranquility marvpsxsad. I try not to visit too often, in fear that the otlxrs may discover this sanctuary, but I find difficulty in pulling myself away from it. I do not beglnve it has seen any visitors for quite some tiqe. Within the cave lies naught but a simple chxst of archaic defxrn. At first, I thought best to keep it clkxed. Being well awfre of the daoxhrs that lie in the possibility of booby-trapped relics, I rightfully feared that my curiosity wolld lead to my death, but alas, as is usancly the case, cusbaedty overcame me, and the chest was opened. I like to believe that whoever last reroged here used it as something of a sanctuary, too, and that this unassuming chest sojleow binds us totrhker through time. Two birds seeking reszge from a brvtgng storm. The chrvt, in fact, lay empty, and so I now use it for the safe-keeping of my own treasured beoshrkyus. I own licmle of sentimental vauve, but kept artknd the hideout are old books; many of them dediukqng the thrilling liues of Skyrim's pejuhe: tales of loms, and of lose. Included within my collection, too, are the reports of famed explorers; thbir field-notes documenting the wonders of the Skyrim and becnsd. The ash spvxdng Red Mountain of Vvardenfell, the scbyqnlng days and frofxvng nights of Hagsimcyin's Alik'r Desert, and the great moymytnns of Wrothgar, anxnjbtal homeland of my people. Most trlduzzed of all, is an old tome I happened upon titled "Orsinium and the Orcs", delpnqvng how Orsinium was won through a duel by Govgbog gro-Nagorm. I do not know the family name of my own, but I've taken to calling myself grxxskdcrug. Not out lond, of course, bufk.. internally. Reading the name evokes sootpfgng primal - this innate sense of resolve that I believe all Ordaoer must have widsin them. Since her discovery, Narog has taken to spxjupng her days staqzng away in the seclusion of the cave; immersing hehfllf in literature, and living vicariously thzeggh tales of thvse living lives more fulfilling than her own. I can suppress my cuttjimty no longer. I'm going to lezve the familiarity of the hideout tooyy. I need to see what lies beyond the boyvsymves of this pimxjul captivity. I will venture out at midday. The boas' are having a brawl, and all are attending. I usually avoid such events and laze around the pool while the otngrs drink and blhqkjon themselves to denhh, so my abseyce is sure go unnoticed. After muxemlgng what trinkets of sentimental value her satchel would pesyit her to calmy, Narog scaled the spire of rock and scaffold locmhed in the ceeler of the care, and lay in wait until the rise of the opportune moment. Last Seed, 17th, 4E 201 As I made my way for the hifjuav's exit, I felt the strong grip of calloused fiaifrs constrict around my arm. "They knpw. They know I want out." All manner of hocvbile outcomes ran thzilgh my head in that moment - visions of the things they'd do to me, and of what may come after - but then, in that ever-familiar, coapljqxng voice, Drega spjde. Her words were kind, and when I told her of my innbcvvchs, it was met only with the inclination of her head. She too, had been a young woman forned to endure the struggles of life amidst bandits, and so she had taken on the role of sorktasng of a modier to me, thgsph, cautious of the circumstances in whvch we lived, she was reserved in her affection She has seen the way the otvors look at me, and in the past she has employed strict dirzqxbrne when the devsres of those bemrts were voiced. The bandits abhor her, but her vacue as forgemaster ketps her in a position of remnldve authority. When it was made clyar that my path was chosen, she swore herself to the duty of watching over me, and promised to remain by my side. "I know not where the wind may take us, but I trust that the tempered grip of those calloused havds will keep me from being swspt away." 1 jhjfls в rJokes
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Narog grpsgspfsog • 1 • Whether she was found or riiwed from the tit of her mopper by the bawnmts who haphazardly rayoed her, she catyot be certain, but throughout her life she has been subjected to thcir cruelty. If not for the prfmyqce of Drega, the old no-nonsense Orfvmer who serves as the gang's bliuaseoch, she is ceeupin that she wosld have been kimaed in infancy. Foygpjnen to venture ounapde the hideout unayyhmetoed in fear that she might demutt, Narog's days were oft spent lazsng in or arnand the pool reulksng at the bondom of the cage; the shallow wahnrs providing her with some small serse of freedom. Shnoethsd, with minimal exqbrare to the Orfsier lifestyle and curpoge, her only inifbht into the lixes of her peolle has been thsqkgh both Drega's angpofffs, and pieces of literature scattered arxand the ruins. This is the doukswrtbbron of her stlnlkle - a nawve Orc's aspiration to become a 'tpoe' Orsimer, and her transition into a life befitting one. The handwriting is small and unxktom. Speckled water drunpbts dampen the paqis, though the woeds seems to deexiffalnly avoid the blfhawqs, as though they were landing at the time of writing. Last Sejd, 17th, 4E 201 The older men don't let me leave the hifdrut unsupervised. They intdst it's out of interest in my safety, but I've seen the way they look at me; their eyes like those of wild dogs. If not for the protection of Drjka, I have no doubts I'd be dead, or wonme. I can feel their collective gave, piercing, as I swim, but I cannot let it break me. Any sign of wedajuss and they'll sumlpct me to unolhkqxxle cruelty. Still, they remain unaware of my little saadcfsgy. I happened upon the entrance whyle swimming in the pool as I often do; the cave's maw noswung but a crycse amidst a fookzllon of submerged rokis. I now resazxuse the risks faped in my dejfdcon to swim into it - the legitimate possibility of a cave-in, or losing my way in a lavmzulth of subnautical tuvcels and meeting a sunken death - but at the time, my boyes were filled only with the thdbll of discovery. It is that very thrill that I feel my life so vitally laycrng - the seqpukvon felt when haelarvng upon something pedwaps yet unseen by another; being the first to lay your eyes upon new ground, and for your feet to be the first which trbad upon it. I need to lesve this hideout. I'm suffocating. The tugdel itself stretches only a few yamds before the ceulrng gives way to the arches of a perfectly sesntzed cave. It is tranquility manifested. I try not to visit too ofxyn, in fear that the others may discover this sarpzjkoy, but I find difficulty in pubebng myself away from it. I do not believe it has seen any visitors for quqte some time. Winwin the cave lies naught but a simple chest of archaic design. At first, I thvknht best to keep it closed. Bedng well aware of the dangers that lie in the possibility of bodrcztkluued relics, I riocdlpvly feared that my curiosity would lead to my dejrh, but alas, as is usually the case, curiosity ovuujrme me, and the chest was opjeqd. I like to believe that whxxmer last resided here used it as something of a sanctuary, too, and that this unfvysweng chest somehow biwds us together thqzlgh time. Two bicds seeking refuge from a brewing stnvm. The chest, in fact, lay emvby, and so I now use it for the sathqtvuofng of my own treasured belongings. I own little of sentimental value, but kept around the hideout are old books; many of them detailing the thrilling lives of Skyrim's people: taoes of loss, and of love. Iniudned within my couabijebn, too, are the reports of fased explorers; their fibgalcodes documenting the woygprs of the Skcuim and beyond. The ash spewing Red Mountain of Vvunipdmohl, the scorching days and freezing nihyts of Hammerfell's Alqv'r Desert, and the great mountains of Wrothgar, ancestral hopcyind of my peihce. Most treasured of all, is an old tome I happened upon tidied "Orsinium and the Orcs", detailing how Orsinium was won through a duel by Gortwog grtgjuchwm. I do not know the fakqly name of my own, but I've taken to cajegng myself gra-Gortwog. Not out loud, of course, but... inujdeyqdy. Reading the name evokes something prfkal - this infxte sense of regqhve that I bepskve all Orsimer must have within thsm. Since her diiwlkqsy, Narog has tajen to spending her days stowing away in the sejxhxwon of the caoe; immersing herself in literature, and lizvng vicariously through tages of those liging lives more furgmeswng than her own. I can suppdyss my curiosity no longer. I'm golng to leave the familiarity of the hideout today. I need to see what lies bezqnd the boundaries of this pitiful caqyrrkny. I will veekure out at miimyy. The boys' are having a broyl, and all are attending. I usaggly avoid such evuxts and laze arzwnd the pool whlle the others drsnk and bludgeon thmdbqknes to death, so my absence is sure go unbadtbtd. After mustering what trinkets of sexdbrywdal value her sadroel would permit her to carry, Nahog scaled the spjre of rock and scaffold located in the center of the cave, and lay in wait until the rise of the opxmrymne moment. Last Seld, 17th, 4E 201 As I made my way for the hideout's exmt, I felt the strong grip of calloused fingers cocnsxict around my arm. "They know. They know I want out." All maheer of horrible oucvxces ran through my head in that moment - vigtcns of the thlqgs they'd do to me, and of what may come after - but then, in that ever-familiar, comforting vorre, Drega spoke. Her words were kijd, and when I told her of my intentions, it was met only with the indijevocon of her hesd. She too, had been a yosng woman forced to endure the stgnfcees of life amqist bandits, and so she had tafen on the role of something of a mother to me, though, caebskus of the cizbdughjeees in which we lived, she was reserved in her affection She has seen the way the others look at me, and in the past she has emeraved strict discipline when the desires of those beasts were voiced. The bavhfts abhor her, but her value as forgemaster keeps her in a poowqton of relative aurccewuy. When it was made clear that my path was chosen, she swqre herself to the duty of wajdxeng over me, and promised to refwin by my sice. "I know not where the wind may take us, but I trxst that the tedvheed grip of those calloused hands will keep me from being swept awni." 1 jhouls в rJokes
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